Dr. Charles Kwang Detox programs to restore your health. Tue, 23 Apr 2024 17:17:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 The best parasite detox cleanse https://naturalhealthdetox.com/parasites/parasite-detox-cleanse/ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 17:17:42 +0000 https://naturalhealthdetox.com/?p=1952 Parasites can cause serious health conditions. When you are infected with parasites, the best parasite detox cleanse will depend on where the parasites are located.

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Parasites are not bacteria, fungi, yeast or viruses.  They are a type of germ that can cause serious illnesses and sometimes life-threatening diseases. Getting rid of a parasite infection can be difficult, especially if the infestation has spread throughout your body.  When you are infected with parasites, the best parasite detox cleanse will depend on where the parasites are located.

Most commercial parasite detox cleanses only focus on parasites in the digestive system, a common location for infections. But parasites can also live in your bloodstream, muscles, tissues and many other body organs, including the brain.


Common parasites

Parasites get into our bodies through food.  You can eat meat that is contaminated with parasites.  Hunters get sick with parasites when the meat from their hunts isn’t cooked correctly. Lots of hunters like to cook their hunt like they do steaks.  We eat steaks medium rare and rare.  Wild animals aren’t treated with parasites, so you must cook the meat completely.

The most common parasites are worms.  You can get worms (usually the eggs of worms) when you eat food that isn’t completely cooked.  The worm eggs survive the stomach acids.  They hatch and worms come out and attach to our intestines right away.  Then they start eating.  The more we eat the more worms eat.  Worms need vitamins like we do.  So, worms will suck vitamins out of us.  Many doctors check for vitamin deficiencies, but very few check for the cause of the deficiency, like parasites.

Other types of parasites don’t attach to your intestines.  They dig through the intestines and enter other body parts, like your muscles.  Examples include pork parasites from uncooked pork (this is why we don’t eat pork medium rare or rare) and fish parasites from raw fish.  Fish parasites travel in the lymphatic system. They can go anywhere.

You can also find parasites in unwashed fruits and vegetables.


Parasites and inflammation

Parasites cause inflammation, which is your immune system’s response to harmful organisms. The inflammation is from the mucus that parasites create when they travel through your body.  Treating your immune system doesn’t fix the problem, you need to eliminate the parasites.

Parasites can also be the underlying reason for other types of health problems like skin rashes, fatigue, food allergies, digestive problems, anemia, neurological problems, muscle pain and autoimmune diseases.

When diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you are told that your immune system is attacking healthy body parts. There are many theories about the cause of autoimmune diseases, but medical professionals still don’t know why it happens.

Parasites can cause autoimmune diseases when the infestation becomes too large or numerous for your body to fight off. Once you get rid of the parasites, the infection will go away, your immune system will go back to sleep, and you won’t have an autoimmune disorder.

Sometimes, people blame their diets for their autoimmune diseases. If you eat something, you feel worse. When you don’t eat it, you feel okay. So, you stop eating certain foods. If you eliminate too many foods, you starve your body. When you starve your body, you starve your immune system. You need your immune system in good condition to fight the parasites.


Parasites and your immune system

Your body has two types of immune responses, innate and adaptive.


Your innate Immune System

The innate immune system is designed to remove cell damage and grow new cells.  Parasites will move around in your body and leave a trail of damaged cells.  They also produce mucus, like an earthworm moving through dirt.

The mucus is a foreign protein recognized by the innate immune system. The innate immune system attacks the mucus the same way as a toxin. It cleans up the mucus and follows the mucus trail to the parasite, but it doesn’t see the parasite.

The parasite continues to release mucus and the white blood cells clean up the mucus.

This is why parasites cause allergies to the air and food. The innate immune system is constantly cleaning up mucus, which leads to the immune system attacking particles from the air and food.

When your innate immune system is activated, it detects damaged cells and gets rid of them. When the damaged cells are removed, scar tissue grows in their place. Doctors discover this when they perform surgery and remove organs. They find scar tissue in the intestines, ovaries, uterus, or prostate. This means you’ve had an undiagnosed parasite infection that’s been there for years, causing damage.


Your adaptive immune system

Your adaptive immune system’s job is to destroy invading germs, bacteria and other organisms that harm the body. When your adaptive immune system is activated, it will find and kill parasites very efficiently. It’s not fast.  It can take weeks for this immune system to be activated.  But once it’s activated and learns to fight this germ, you have lifetime immunity.

The mucus prevents the innate immune system from being activated. If the innate immune system is not active, the adaptive immune system stays asleep.

Types of Parasite Cleanses

There is a difference between a detox and a cleanse. A cleanse typically refers to a product that focuses on the digestive system, while a detox goes further and deeper into tissues, cells, and organs.

Most people try to get rid of parasites using off-the-shelf (not specially made or customized) cleanses. These cleanses typically involve taking a handful of pills daily until you finish the bottle.  If the parasite isn’t gone, you buy another bottle. If you can’t eliminate the parasites that way, you purchase a more expensive cleanse.  When the cleanse doesn’t work, you continue shopping around, buying and trying other products.

Some of these cleanses will eliminate the worms in the intestines, but not the parasites that get into the muscles and other organs. That’s because they 1) only work if they come in contact with the parasite and 2) the cleanse stays inside the intestinal tract.

If your parasite infection has moved outside of your intestines, you will need a detox that addresses your digestive system and other parts of the body like the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system.


Parasites and Chinese medicinal herbs

Chinese medicinal herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat various health conditions, including parasite infections. They are extremely potent and have unique properties. These herbs can also eliminate infections inside and outside of the digestive system. They penetrate deep into the body, activating the innate and adaptive immune systems.


  • Parasites can cause serious damage to your body.
  • If you have a parasite infection, it should be eliminated as soon as possible.
  • Parasites can be misdiagnosed as other types of health issues.
  • Parasites can live inside and outside of your digestive system.
  • Commercial parasite cleanses only work inside your digestive system.
  • Chinese medicinal herbs can eliminate parasites anywhere in the body by activating both the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Want to learn more about parasites and how they can be eliminated with Chinese medicinal herbs? Call us today at (213) 999 – 5577 or schedule a free consultation with Dr. Kwang.

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Can a yeast infection cause high blood sugar? https://naturalhealthdetox.com/yeast/can-a-yeast-infection-cause-high-blood-sugar/ Tue, 26 Mar 2024 00:06:32 +0000 https://naturalhealthdetox.com/?p=1654 The post Can a yeast infection cause high blood sugar? appeared first on Natural Health Detox.


Yeast is found in air, food and water. It is a microorganism that can cause serious damage to your body, including your kidneys and intestines. Can a yeast infection cause high blood sugar? If it ends up in your liver, yes, it can.

Intestinal yeast

Most people ingest yeast when they eat food.  The microbiome (beneficial microorganisms) in your gut keeps yeast from attacking your intestines.

Your intestines are a tube-like organ that wind from the stomach to the anus. The main job of the intestines is to digest food. You have a small intestine and a large intestine. The small intestine has three parts (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) and the large intestine has four parts (cecum, colon, rectum and anal canal).

The intestinal (gut) microbiome is a collection of helpful organisms that live in your digestive tract. They help with digestion, regulating the immune system and protecting the body from bacteria.

Sometimes we eat foods with chemicals that destroy the microbiome.  When the microbiome is broken, yeast can attack your intestines.  You won’t feel the yeast attacking your intestines or breaking your microbiome. You may feel like you have the flu, but the flu symptoms go away after a few days.

Processed foods contain chemicals that destroy your microbiome. Processed foods also contain no nutrients, which means the microbiome can’t be rebuilt.  This makes it easier for your intestines to be attacked by yeast.  Once the yeast has gone into your intestines, it will move into the lymphatic system.

There are over 3,000 different types of yeast.  Some yeast will travel in the lymphatic system and stay close to the intestines. Other types of yeast will travel in the lymphatic system to the kidneys.  Yeast can also move from the lymphatic system to the liver, lungs, ovaries and prostate. The yeast will produce chemicals to suppress your immune system.  This keeps your immune system from attacking germs, which allows more germs to survive in your body.

When yeast gets in your liver

Yeast will travel in the lymphatic system into the liver.  This causes fatty liver.  Fat in the liver absorbs the toxins created by yeast.  This is the body’s way of keeping toxins from circulating throughout the body. Storing toxins in fat requires no energy. It is an efficient way to store toxins.

The yeast will grow and spread throughout the liver, killing liver cells. The liver has to work harder to replace the cells that are killed. It also triggers the liver to make more cholesterol, which is used by the immune system. It is not the same cholesterol found in food.

Medical doctors are trained to detect high blood cholesterol and prescribe a pill (statin) to lower cholesterol.  They believe high blood cholesterol is linked to heart attacks and stroke.  Even though many Americans are prescribed statins, they are still dying of heart attacks and strokes.

 Yeast and your immune system

Your immune system defends the body against harmful substances. It also removes damaged cells from the body, including liver cells. It doesn’t detect and kill yeast. When yeast gets into the liver, it can cause so much damage that the liver is no longer able to store sugar (glucose). The liver begins to leak sugar, which eventually causes high blood sugar.

Diabetes is a type of health condition where your blood glucose levels (blood sugar) are too high.  You can control the early stages of diabetes with diet and exercise.  Eating the right foods and exercising will balance sugar intake and metabolism so your blood sugar is normal.  But this doesn’t get rid of the yeast.  The yeast will continue to grow and spread in the liver.  Eventually, the sugar levels will go up.

When this happens, doctors will usually try to solve the problem with a pill. The pill stops your liver from releasing sugar. This may work in the beginning. But it doesn’t mean your blood sugar will return to normal. Maybe it ends up in a low range and you just keep going to the doctor for blood tests to make sure the pills are working.

High blood sugar can also be caused by taking other medications.  You end up taking pills to treat one health situation and cause another.

Treating yeast in the liver

Western medical doctors – general practitioners – treat the symptoms of a health problem, which often leads to worse problems.  When that doesn’t work, they send you to a specialist.  The heart doctor doesn’t care what is happening to your liver.  The liver doctor doesn’t care about your intestines.  Each doctor is focused on their medical specialty.

Chinese medicine has been around for centuries. It effectively treats the root cause of unwanted health conditions. It addresses the entire body and body processes.

Finding the root cause of the health problem gives your body a chance to fix it. You can live a life free of pain, have lots of energy and be able to eat food when you handle the real reason a problem exists.

Yeast detox

Our detox uses Chinese medicinal herbs. These herbs are extremely potent and target specific areas of your body. Each detox program is also tailored to address your specific health situation. Your health problem and how you got to this point is different from someone else’s.

Yeast is an extremely invasive organism. It can harm the body in ways you may not realize for many years. If you are worried that yeast might be causing other health conditions, or have a yeast infection that won’t go away, call us today at (213) 999 – 5577 and request a free consultation with Dr. Kwang. Or click here to fill out an online consultation request form.

The post Can a yeast infection cause high blood sugar? appeared first on Natural Health Detox.

Choosing the Right Yeast Body Cleanse https://naturalhealthdetox.com/yeast/choosing-the-right-yeast-body-cleanse/ Sun, 24 Mar 2024 17:54:02 +0000 https://naturalhealthdetox.com/?p=1625 The post Choosing the Right Yeast Body Cleanse appeared first on Natural Health Detox.


The best way to get rid of yeast overgrowth is with a yeast body cleanse. Yeast is a type of organism that can enter the body in different ways. It is a fungus that can cause serious health issues such as bloodstream infections, extreme fatigue, digestive problems, breathing problems, inflammation and cancer.

Yeast in the body

Yeast has many ways to suppress the immune system and prevent it from activating.  It has a protective barrier to prevent detection. The immune system will go past yeast and ignore it.

Yeast can also move through the body.  It can spread to the kidneys, liver, lungs, lymph nodes, ovaries and prostate.

When yeast travels from the intestines to the liver, it causes fatty liver and acid reflux.  When it gets into the kidneys, it causes kidney stones and adrenal fatigue. When it’s in your lymph system, your lymph nodes will swell.

Yeast can also migrate to the lungs and cause bronchitis and breathing problems.  It can get into the ovaries and cause ovarian cysts, and travel to the prostate where it can cause prostatitis and prostate cancer.

Yeast in the liver

Your liver filters the blood in your body. It also down toxic substances. And it produces bile, a fluid that digests fats and removes waste.

Yeast will go to the liver because it’s rich in nutrients.  The liver is also close to the intestines.  Yeast will enter the intestines and enter the lymph nodes.  White blood cells are in the lymph nodes.  If bacteria enters a lymph node, your white blood cells will attack and cause inflammation. If it’s in the intestinal area, you will also have indigestion.

Yeast in the lymph system

The lymph system protects the body against infections by producing, storing and carrying the white blood cells that fight harmful bacteria, viruses and other substances. It also carries nutrients to your cells and tissues.

Yeast can travel throughout the lymphatic system without activating your white blood cells.  The lymphatic system is made up of vessels, nodes, organs, tissues and lymph (the colorless fluid that contains the white blood cells). It is part of the immune system.  Yeast toxins suppress the immune system.

Yeast in the kidneys

Yeast in the kidneys is the major cause of all autoimmune disorders.  When you get a blood test, the blood contains the results of your body reacting to yeast in the kidneys.  The kidneys filter 20% of all toxins.  The liver filters 80% of all toxins.  Yeast in the kidneys will cause the filtration to slow down.  You might have heard about kidney failure.  Before kidney failure, you will have an autoimmune disease.  Many doctors will tell you an autoimmune disease is caused at birth – that you were born with a defective immune system.  This theory means you need to undergo lifelong medical treatment. It is the yeast in the kidneys that causes the autoimmune disorder. If you illuminate the yeast from your kidneys, you illuminate the disorder.

Yeast in the lungs

Yeast in the lungs causes breathing problems.  This can occur when you’re a child or when you get older.   Doctors who diagnose children with asthma will often say the child was born with weak lungs.  They prescribe inhalers to treat the lung condition, which many times is a yeast condition.

Yeast in the lungs is also the cause of emphysema and COPD.  If you’re a smoker, you are putting toxins into your lungs.  You stop smoking and your lungs will clear up in months.  Many people don’t smoke and end up with emphysema, COPD and lung cancer, which means there are other reasons for these health problems.

Medical doctors and drugs

Medical education was altered by the pharmaceutical companies back in the 70’s.  The pharmaceutical companies paid professors to write new textbooks to incorporate new drug treatments.  Doctors who did not accept pharmaceutical money were not allowed to teach in medical schools.  Pharmaceutical companies also gave lavish parties to poor medical students.  As medical students graduated into doctors they continued their relationship with pharmaceutical companies. One example is pharmaceutical companies paying doctors to attend medical conferences in Hawaii and other vacation spots where they would promote their new drugs.

Chinese herbal medicine and a yeast body cleanse

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a centuries-old holistic approach to treating illnesses and diseases, including infections. TCM includes the use of potent medicinal herbs to heal the body. Using the right combination of herbs tailored to your specific health needs, these herbs can eliminate chronic fungal infections like yeast and Candida.

Most detox products and programs can’t penetrate deep enough into the body to get rid of infections like yeast. They generally focus on individual organs and ignore the important internal systems that need cleansing and repair as well.

When you are detoxing and cleansing the body, there is also a very specific sequence that needs to be followed to get the best results. If this sequence isn’t followed, you will still have yeast in hidden pockets throughout the body – and the sequence is different for each person depending on their current health condition.

Some people will be given antibiotics to kill the yeast. Antibiotics were discovered by watching mold toxins (yeast) kill bacteria.  Antibiotics don’t kill mold or yeast.  The antibiotics will also destroy any good bacteria in your gut, which will allow more yeast to attack your intestines.

Are you worried or concerned about having a yeast infection?  Call our office today to find out more about our yeast body cleanse. You can also click here to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Kwang.

The post Choosing the Right Yeast Body Cleanse appeared first on Natural Health Detox.

How to Get Rid of a Chronic Candida Infection https://naturalhealthdetox.com/yeast/how-to-get-rid-of-a-chronic-candida-infection/ Sun, 24 Mar 2024 01:56:21 +0000 https://naturalhealthdetox.com/?p=1612 The post How to Get Rid of a Chronic Candida Infection appeared first on Natural Health Detox.


Candida is a family of germs.  It enters the body like bacteria, but it’s a more complex organism. Because Candida can prevent the immune system from activating, it can move through the body without detection for years.  A Candida infection is an overgrowth of Candida in the body.

Types of Candida

In the plant kingdom, Candida are decomposers that can break down pesticides, radiation and other toxins. There are over 3,000 types of Candida. 

Yeast is a mobile form of Candida.  It can travel throughout the body and attach to any organ, especially when your immune system is low.

Fungus is the flowering form of Candida.  Once conditions are right, the Candida shoots up a long stem into the air.  This stem forms a bulb at the end.  The end is a spore.  This spore breaks off, flies into the air, and lands in another location.  Candida can also connect to another Candida through a reproductive connection and exchange DNA.  Once DNA is exchanged, both Candida become fungus.   

Candida can adapt to almost any environment and thrive.  If the environment gets too cold, they turn into spores and become dormant.  This dormancy can last for decades. Once the environment is right, they wake up without being damaged by the freeze.  If the environment gets too hot, they can feed on our sweat and bodily secretions.  They don’t need water.  They can get water from the air.  They can turn pesticides and radiation into energy. 

Candida in the body

Candida is found in our foods and is eaten.  Candida becomes activated when it reaches our stomach.  Our stomach acids kill bacteria, but it doesn’t kill Candida.  Candida activates in an acidic environment.  Candida doesn’t attack our stomach unless it’s compromised. 

Do you get acid reflux or heartburn?  A compromised stomach doesn’t make enough stomach acids, so Candida can attack the stomach.  This is why people with acid reflux feel worse when they eat certain foods. 

Some foods feed the Candida. When Candida is fed, it creates toxins, preventing other germs from growing in the environment. The only bacteria that can grow with Candida is H. Pylori bacteria.  Medical doctors have labeled H. Pylori a “bad bacteria.” It is bad because when you have H. Pylori, you also have Candida.

Candida in your intestines

Candida stays with the food you eat and gets pushed into our intestines.  The intestines have a layer of probiotics which creates a physical barrier.  This physical barrier is usually enough to prevent Candida from entering the intestines.  This is why it’s important to create a healthy microbiome (community of microorganisms) in your gut.  The current supplement industry has been giving people a lot of information on probiotics and microbiomes.  Creating a microbiome with probiotics supplement works to prevent Candida infection.

If probiotics aren’t in the intestines when Candida attacks, the Candida goes right into the intestines.  That’s why people get leaky gut, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and other intestinal problems. 

If you start taking probiotics after the Candida is already in your intestines, it will create a barrier around the intestines that traps the Candida inside. It’s like putting a wall around a lake so other cars can’t drive into a lake. It doesn’t help the car that has already gone into the lake.

Treating candida

Before the 1970s, doctors were taught in medical schools about yeast, candida and fungus.  Medical textbooks showed how to find and diagnose Candida infections.  They were using herbs and homeopathy to treat Candida. These days, they prescribe pills and intravenous drugs. The treatment can sometimes get rid of the Candida, but it usually comes back – even worse.

The way you treat Candida is to train your immune system to attack it.  Your immune system must learn how to take apart every defense system Candida has created in your body. 

Remember, after Candida enters the body, it produces toxins to prevent detection. These toxins also act to suppress your immune system.  So your immune system has to learn to recognize these toxins and ignore them. 

Candida also has a shield made of carbs and proteins.  Your immune system must learn how to recognize this shield and attack it.  Candida will produce mucus once the shield is broken.  Your immune system has to be able to break down the mucus and continue to attack.

Candida and Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years to treat health problems like Candida infections. It is a holistic approach to healing. Chinese medicinal herbs can help detox your body and train your immune system to eliminate the Candida once and for all.  No pills, no IVs. Just natural herbal remedies that effectively address the infection.

Changing your diet and taking supplements may be a solution for mild bouts of Candida. But If your Candida infection is chronic, you will need to get rid of the toxins in your body before you can eliminate the infection.

Body toxins cause inflammation. When there is toxic inflammation in the lymph system, it prevents the Candida from moving through and out of the body.  A detox using the right medicinal herbs will clear out the toxins and open a path for Candida elimination.

Because everyone’s body is different, the detox needs to be tailored to your specific health needs. Buying detox products off the shelf will not effectively address the problem.

If you have a Candida infection and would like to know more about the detox and how it works, call us today at (213) 999 – 5577 or schedule a free consultation with Dr. Kwang.


The post How to Get Rid of a Chronic Candida Infection appeared first on Natural Health Detox.

What You Need to Know About a Yeast Detox https://naturalhealthdetox.com/yeast/what-you-need-to-know-about-a-yeast-detox/ Fri, 22 Mar 2024 23:26:07 +0000 https://naturalhealthdetox.com/?p=1569 The post What You Need to Know About a Yeast Detox appeared first on Natural Health Detox.


What is yeast?

Yeast is a type of fungus, an organism that is neither plant nor animal. It can be found on your skin and inside your body. It typically enters the body through the mouth when you eat food. You can also breathe in fungi spores (cells). Yeast overgrowth (an imbalance of healthy bacteria and yeast) can cause health issues such as urinary tract infections, tiredness, fatigue, digestive problems and joint pain. Diet can alleviate some yeast problems, but a yeast detox is usually the best way to get rid of a yeast infection.

How yeast gets in your intestines

Your intestines are a tube-like organ that helps digest food that comes from the stomach. It is shielded by a mucus barrier (gut barrier) that regulates nutrient absorption and protects the intestines from harmful substances.  This barrier can be destroyed by the pesticides in the food you eat and eating large amounts of sugar for a long time. When the barrier has been damaged, yeast can enter your intestines.

An overgrowth of intestinal yeast can cause food allergies, pain, indigestion and bloating. If you were able to see your intestines, they would look red. You might even see swollen lymph nodes and bleeding. The bleeding can become extreme and may even be seen in your bowel movements. Doctors call this condition diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome.

Yeast in the lungs

When yeast is in the lungs, it causes irritation of the airways. Doctors call this irritation “asthma.” Your airways become inflamed and constrict in response to the irritation. The constriction is caused by inflammation, your body’s defense mechanism when it recognizes an irritant. A yeast infection in the lung can happen to both children and adults.

Not all yeast that enters the lungs becomes an infection. Similar to the intestines, the lungs also have a mucus protective barrier. When you get sick, this barrier is damaged, which causes a runny nose and coughing up mucus. When the mucus leaves the body, so does the yeast.

Yeast overgrowth, your immune system and Cancer

Another way yeast overgrowth in your airways or digestive system can occur is when you have a weak immune system (immunocompromised).

Most people with cancer have a weakened immune system. This condition can be caused by the cancer, as well as the cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, stem cell treatment, bone marrow transplants and steroids).

I’ve had several clients tell me that after their chemotherapy, they were told to go home and eat whatever they wanted because they were losing weight. This increases the chances of yeast overgrowth.

Antibiotics and yeast

There are 3,000 different types of yeast.  They each have a favorite organ that they like to inhabit when they enter the body. If it ends up in your lungs, it can cause asthma.  If it lands in the kidneys, it can cause bloating and nausea.  If it spreads to the liver, it will cause acid reflux and fatty liver.  Yeast can also travel to the breast and other organs and cause cancer. Yeast problems will lead to circulation issues as well.

The immune system’s job is to find and eliminate these types of harmful substances.  However, yeast can evade detection by secreting toxins that prevent the immune system from activating.

Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed to treat yeast infections. Antibiotics are made from bacteria and fungi. Their job is to destroy harmful bacteria.

When you take antibiotics for a yeast problem, it will cause even more problems with your immune system to function properly.

Western medicine and yeast overgrowth

Antibiotics, other types of pills and shots are a typical treatment protocol for Western medicine. A lung doctor will prescribe inhalers or prednisone pills because that’s American Medical Association approved treatment protocol. Intestinal doctors will prescribe antibiotics and/or prednisone pills for the same reason.

Like antibiotics, these pills and shots interrupt your body’s reaction to the infection. When they wear off, not only does the problem come back, it is usually worse. If you go back to the doctor, you will usually get a double dose of whatever it was you were given the first time.

The doctor is trying to shut down your body’s reaction to inflammation. When the pills and shots stop working, the next treatment is surgery – removal of the affected body part.

Chronic yeast infection

When you have a yeast infection and the problem isn’t fixed at the root cause, your intestines will rot. Your immune system is also weakened because you can’t absorb foods. The foods that are supposed to be good for you hurt when you eat them. So, you eat foods that don’t hurt you. The foods that don’t hurt you are most likely processed foods because they don’t activate your immune system – they don’t cause pain. But they don’t heal your body either.

Getting rid of yeast

In addition to eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates, taking antibiotics or having a weak immune system. You can also end up with yeast problems by taking antibiotics, drinking too much alcohol or taking oral contraceptives. Too much stress and diabetes can also lead to chronic yeast infections.

When a body is generally functioning well, sometimes all it takes is a change in diet and a few basic supplements to get rid of the infection.

If the infection has been there for a while, or spread throughout the body, you may need a more comprehensive yeast detox.

A natural and effective method of getting rid of a yeast infection involves the use of Chinese medicinal herbs that can activate the immune system to detect and get rid of the yeast. It’s a special type of yeast detox that also addresses the lymph system. This is because the lymphatic system’s job is to absorb toxins like yeast and transport them to the kidney and liver for removal.

When toxins start accumulating in the body, it can cause lymph system blockages. When someone has a blocked lymph system, they can often feel swollen bumps along their throat or armpits.  The swelling means the lymph nodes are filled with toxins and the yeast is unable to move out of the body.

That’s why dietary changes and off-the-shelf herbal remedies are not going to solve this kind of health condition.  It needs to be addressed fully and completely with a tailor-made detoxification program that repairs and restores the body processes that are needed to remove the yeast.

If you have an unresolving yeast infection and would like to know more about how this detox works, call Dr. Kwang today at (213) 999 -5577 or click here to schedule a free consultation.

The post What You Need to Know About a Yeast Detox appeared first on Natural Health Detox.

Using Chinese Herbs for Inflammation https://naturalhealthdetox.com/inflammation/using-chinese-herbs-for-inflammation/ Thu, 04 Jan 2024 00:42:16 +0000 https://naturalhealthdetox.com/?p=247 The post Using Chinese Herbs for Inflammation appeared first on Natural Health Detox.


Many people use Chinese herbs for inflammation. The right combination of herbal Chinese remedies can help detox your body, repair your immune system, and restore its balance.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is how the body reacts to injury and infections. It is a type of immune system response to damaged tissues (cells) that:

  • prevents the injury or illness from getting worse
  • protects the damaged area
  • helps the body heal

Once the body recovers, the inflammation will usually go away. Sometimes inflammation becomes chronic, which can cause long-term health problems such as arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.

Inflammation and the immune system

Our bodies have a network of organs, tissues, and white blood cells specifically designed to fight illness and disease. It is called the immune system. The purpose of the immune system is to defend and protect the body.

Inflammation is part of the immune system’s response to injuries such as:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations and cuts
  • Bacteria, viruses and fungi
  • Environmental toxins
  • Chemicals
  • Radiation
  • Metabolic wastes (substances left over by body processes that cannot be used)
  • Alcohol and sugar

Here is how the process works:

  1. When the body’s tissues have been injured, the damaged cells release chemicals that cause blood vessels to dilate (become wider).
  2. Blood rushes toward the damaged area, mobilizing and transporting white blood cells.
  3. Cellular fluid builds up in the surrounding tissues.

The fluid helps isolate the damage. Do you remember your skin getting red and swollen from a scratch? That’s the immune system doing its job to heal the body. In addition to redness and swelling, inflammation can also cause pain, heat and loss of function.

An amazing fact about the immune system is that it records every bacteria, fungi, virus and parasite it has overcome. It uses that information to destroy the pathogen if it shows up again.

Inflammation can damage the body

Some people have a weakened immune system (immunocompromised), which can make it more difficult for them to get rid of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens (toxins). This can result in more frequent bouts of illness, the illness lasting longer or never being cured.

With or without a weakened immune system, when you have toxins in the body, it can trigger an immune system response. Sometimes the response is so severe and chronic that the body starts attacking itself.

Whatever the circumstances, too much inflammation can damage the body

According to a recent study, “There is now growing evidence supporting the concept that chronic inflammation may affect many organ systems including skin, brain, colon, blood vessels, pancreas, joints, lung, and heart.” – Khatami, 2009

The damage can vary depending on the degree and extent of the inflammation.

When your body can’t repair the damage, it causes more inflammation, more damage and a breakdown in function. This process can go on for several years before there is any evidence of a problem. It can also lead to long-term serious health issues such as:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson’s
  • Cancer

In some situations, an organ can get so badly it needs to be replaced or completely removed.

When you have an external injury, you can usually see indicators of inflammation like swelling and redness. Chronic inflammation inside your body can cause symptoms such as:

  • Aches
  • Pains
  • Dizzyness
  • Dry eyes
  • Muscle weakness
  • Memory loss/cognitive impairment
  • Fatigue
  • Low-grade fever
  • Digestive problems
  • Hardening of the arteries
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Blood clotting
  • Rashes

Reducing inflammation

One way to reduce inflammation is to eat healthy, anti-inflammatory foods like vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and fish. Stay away from processed foods, sugar, alcohol, trans and saturated fats.

A processed food is a food that has been modified or changed from its natural state. Processed foods can cause inflammation because they contain high amounts of salt, sugar and unhealthy additives. Examples of processed food include hot dogs, sausages, deli meats, bread, canned soup, chips, cookies, white bread, crackers, cereals, fast food and sodas.

Juicing can help minimize inflammation as well. Click here for some great anti-inflammatory juicing recipes.

Exercising is another way to lower inflammation. When you exercise, the body’s blood flow is increased, which helps move toxins and inflammation out of the body.

Eliminating stress is also important. because it can over-stimulate the immune system and activate an inflammatory response.

Sometimes changing your diet, exercising and getting rid of the stress in your life isn’t enough to eliminate inflammation and restore your health. A Chinese medicine detox program that repairs and restores your immune system may be needed to fully address the problem.

Inflammation and Western vs. Chinese (Eastern) medicine

Modern Western medicine refers to the type of healthcare you receive from medical doctors in the United States and other Western countries. It has a different focus than Chinese (Eastern) medicine.

In Western medicine, doctors use drugs, radiation and surgery to treat illnesses and diseases, with side effects that can end up being worse than the health condition itself.

Chinese medicine addresses the person as a whole. The root cause of the problem is treated with nutrition, herbs and other natural therapies.

Chinese medicine has been used for centuries to cure many different types of health problems, including inflammation.

There are hundreds of plants, animals, and minerals used in Chinese medicine to help people recover from injuries, illnesses and diseases. Most healing is done with specially crafted herbal formulas that treat what is causing the problem, not just the symptoms.

The herbs can be administered in different ways, including powder, liquid extracts, capsules and tinctures.

A detox program that gets rid of inflammation

There can be many underlying reasons why someone has a problem with inflammation. Generally, it has to do with the body’s inability to flush out toxins.

Remember, inflammation is a response to an injury, illness or disease. An inflammatory response to a physical injury (broken bones, cuts, bruises, etc.) will usually resolve over time.

When the injury, illness or disease is caused by toxins, it is because the toxins aren’t being eliminated fast enough by the lymphatic system, kidney or liver. If these organs can’t move the toxins out quickly, the immune system will step in with an inflammatory response to try and solve the problem.

My inflammation detox program was designed to get rid of inflammation by restoring the body’s ability to eradicate toxins, which in turn eliminates the need for an inflammatory response. In other words, it addresses the underlying cause of the problem.

The first program step is to find out what areas of the body are having trouble with toxin elimination. These areas are then detoxed with special, highly concentrated liquid herbal formulas. I developed these formulas over several years after extensive research and testing on hundreds of different Chinese herbs.

Using Chinese herbs for inflammation the body will naturally heal itself and the inflammatory response will stop.

A story about inflammation

A waitress noticed she had shortness of breath. She went to the doctor and was told to use an inhaler. She used the inhaler as prescribed by still had shortness of breath. It started getting worse. She had to take more breaks during her shift and eventually couldn’t work at all. She went back to the doctor and was given antibiotics.

She took the antibiotics as prescribed but was still out of breath. Then her kidneys started to hurt. Now she was out of breath and had kidney pain.

She came to my office, and we started working on her kidneys to repair the damage caused by antibiotics. The kidneys (and liver) have to be functioning well to eliminate toxins in her body.

This was an important step in her detox program because her lungs were filled with toxins. The toxins had built up in her air sacs and that’s why she couldn’t get enough oxygen. Inhalers weren’t getting rid of the mucus. Antibiotics weren’t getting rid of the mucus. Nothing she had been prescribed was cleaning out her air sacs to allow oxygen absorption.

Once the toxins were eliminated, she completed the lung detox and repair program. Once her lungs were fully repaired, she was able to go back to work. She’s been back to her normal life without inhalers or drugs since completing this program.

If you would like to find out more about inflammation and how it affects the body, or how to repair and restore your immune system, click on this link and schedule a phone consultation today.

The post Using Chinese Herbs for Inflammation appeared first on Natural Health Detox.
